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sample 330x60
Total: 10
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361021)
I wish you a
I wish you a fair wind and a successful course, so that the sea is knee-deep and completely calm in your family life! Let no storm be an obstacle to the realization of your plans. Clear horizons and good help from Neptune!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361022)
Congratulations on Navy Day
Congratulations on Navy Day! And I wish that your ships always sail on the right course, that the women on the ship bring good luck, and that the law of the sea is always respected!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361023)
Congratulations on Navy Day
Congratulations on Navy Day! I wish that the sea would be subjugated, that there would be no war, and that everyone would envy their courage!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361024)
Happy holiday Navy Let
Happy holiday, Navy! Let there be no storm on your borders, let your enemies not come close. And the strength will always be ready to fight off all troubles. Let every employee be proud, and let there always be gunpowder in the flasks!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361025)
Congratulations on Navy Day
Congratulations on Navy Day! I wish the sea to always be quiet, calm and knee-deep. Let the mermaids not take you to the bottom with them, but, on the contrary, help when you need help!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361026)
Happy Navy Day Let
Happy Navy Day! Let the sea be calm and docile, like a pet, the whole crew be healthy and ready for adventure, and I also wish that every sea has its own goldfish, which will always help!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361027)
Let Neptune become a
Let Neptune become a fair patron who will be stern, but true to his word. Let him smash troubles against rocks, and scare away adversity with a word of steel. Let his trident skewer his enemies like a kebab on a skewer. I wish you to wait at home, and delicious food to lift your spirits.
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361028)
Surround yourself with people
Surround yourself with people who not only know how to swim and how to hold a weapon. Give others a chance. Solve any problems quickly, don’t block your capabilities, treat your loved ones with respect, don’t burden yourself with all the worries of the world, sometimes don’t swim to the end.
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361029)
Eagles happy holiday Let
Eagles, happy holiday! Let Navy Day be remembered as the most fun, eventful and extraordinary! Let the feeling of drive not leave you even in routine activities! Be men, sailors! Be sailors, guys!
Congratulations on Navy Day: funny (id: 361030)
Let love like the
Let love, like the sea, be uncontrollable, so that it sweeps away all adversity like an element. I wish there would be no war, that cannons and cannonballs would always be ready. Don’t let storms stop you from moving towards your goals. At home, let the table and family wait for you.