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sample 330x60

Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 5
Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361116)
My dear friend I
My dear friend, I congratulate you on Navy Day. I wish you to always remain a good fighter and never be afraid of obstacles on the way to your goal. I also wish you health, good luck, love and true friendship in life. And may your ship sail confidently along the course of happiness and success!
Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361117)
Happy holiday May you
Happy holiday! May you never know what war is, what it is to lose loved ones. Let life be calm from troubles, and stormy from happiness and love.
Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361118)
Friend happy Navy Day
Friend, happy Navy Day to you! I would like to wish you love, warmth, always remain on a positive note, receive only happy news, serve your Motherland honestly and selflessly, always overcome laziness, bad mood and despondency. Be a courageous warrior and a good person!
Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361119)
My devoted friend congratulations
My devoted friend, congratulations on Navy Day! I wish you to be strong like a whale, cunning like a shark and brave like a killer whale! Let the swing of life not be very sharp and assertive, but bear fruit in the form of success and happiness!
Happy Navy Day greetings to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 361120)
My friend happy holiday
My friend, happy holiday! May each new year be happier than the previous one, so that memories accumulate and warm you during difficult times. Let the bright, gentle and incredibly warm sun always shine in the sky above your head, which will protect you from evil and envy.