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Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

28 May 2023 β€” date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 84
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343336)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you health, courage, perseverance and optimism! The border defender can do anything; he knows how to act correctly and how to defend from any side. Therefore, I wish you to always confidently hold your positions and not deviate one step from your goal. And may luck help you in everything.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343337)
Congratulations on your professional
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Border Guard Day! I wish your work to be nothing but joy. I wish you career growth, respect and great health. Let everything in life go well, all goals are achieved, wishes come true, and family and friends will always be nearby and healthy.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343338)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. I wish you to maintain your health strong and strong, I wish you to remain courageous and brave. Good luck in all your endeavors, happiness and love, success, prosperity, respect and sunny weather outside your window.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343339)
We congratulate you on
We congratulate you on Border Guard Day, we wish you good health, peaceful skies above your head, friendly support, material well-being, strength of mind and body, courage and courage.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343340)
Happy holiday I wish
Happy holiday! I wish you peaceful service. Let there always be faithful comrades, devoted friends and loved ones nearby. Good health, strength and fighting spirit. May our border remain an impregnable barrier for enemies and always be open to good friends! Be vigilant and patient!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343341)
Congratulations to brave strong
Congratulations to brave, strong and courageous people on their professional holiday! We wish you health, inviolability of borders, peaceful skies above your head, and prosperity in your families. Be happy, respected, warmed by the care and love of your loved ones.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343342)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day and with all my heart I wish you peace and quiet on the border of the Motherland, peace and harmony in the soul, courage and courage in the heart, respect from others and understanding of loved ones in life, success and glorious exploits in your activities, happy holidays and good guests in your home !
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343343)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. I wish you courage, confidence, perseverance and honor. I wish not to allow any enemy to approach the boundaries of my own happiness. I wish you to love your Motherland and protect your heart from bad weather. I wish to believe in the best and translate all plans into the reality of my life.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343344)
On Border Guard Day
On Border Guard Day, congratulations and heartfelt wishes to real, strong and courageous men! I wish you health and prosperity, peace and goodness, good mood and warmth of home! Love and be loved! May all your family and friends always be there and give you their love and adoration! Happy everyday life and fun-filled holidays and holidays! Good weather and reliable equipment! Friendliness and help from comrades! Be vigilant and strong in spirit and body!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343345)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you perseverance, confidence, courage, determination and great strength. I wish with my soul to always remain an invincible border guard. I wish with my heart to be a selfless man. And let no one in your life dare to violate the boundaries of personal happiness and well-being.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343346)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day! I wish you health, energy, patience, endurance and loyal colleagues nearby. And may the border always be locked!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343347)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you iron character, steel health and brave deeds in your golden hands. I wish you to expand the boundaries of your own capabilities every day and boldly defend the boundaries of the happiness of your heart. Success, good luck, loyalty in friendship and love.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343348)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day and wish you clear skies on the border of the Motherland and peace in the family. Always be brave and strong, confident and proud, fair and honest, decisive and invincible. And may the boundaries of your heart always border with love and happiness.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343349)
Congratulations on your professional
Congratulations on your professional holiday - Border Guard Day! I wish you advancement, great achievements, courage, bravery, valor, justice and strength. Let the work be a pleasure, not be vain and conflicting. I wish you personal growth, security and true friends. Happy holiday!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343350)
I congratulate you on
I congratulate you on Border Guard Day and wish that there are no gloomy clouds at the border, that there is always order and peace there, that the fortitude remains strong, that there are faithful comrades nearby, that there is happiness and love in life.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343351)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I wish that the border is always locked from every enemy and foe, that life never limits your capabilities, that there are no obstacles for you on the path to success and prosperity, that your strength and courage ensure a stable position in life and always allowed us to find the right meaning and the right solution in any issue.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343352)
Always forward Only forward
Always forward! Only forward! Great health, confidence in everything, 100% realization of every goal, every opportunity. Achieve success, don’t stop there, take advantage of every chance and believe only in the best! May hope, willpower and confidence in tomorrow always be with you.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343353)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! Your service is not easy and very important. Let your life know no barriers or war. Let your family have a reliable support, loving people and cheerful laughter. May health and strength accompany you in everything.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343354)
Down with the gloomy
Down with the gloomy clouds. Away with the enemy from the border! Congratulations on the holiday of courage and heroism, Border Guard Day. I wish you confidence, perseverance, courage, determination, agility, vigilance, honor and enormous strength. I wish you never to give up your positions. I wish you to always remain a reliable armor against troubles for your family, your friends, and your Fatherland.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343355)
I wish the wise
I wish the wise and strong defender of the border borders of our Motherland to always be in good health and high spirits, so that the service can proceed calmly and without serious incidents. Let endurance, patience and determination help you achieve new success in your profession!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343356)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! We wish you good health, strength, courage, kindness. May all good things happen to you, may your work turn into a resort, and may all your cherished dreams come true. Happy holiday, border guard!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343357)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I wish to be a gloomy cloud only for enemies, to remain a bright and honest person in every matter. I would also like to wish you not to know the limits of your capabilities and to firmly stand on your own until victory!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343358)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day! Let your work bring only moral pleasure, financial well-being, more pleasant acquaintances and advancement up the career ladder. Success, strength and patience!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343359)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day, I congratulate you, may peace reign everywhere without disturbing your plans to protect the country. Let your courage, your courage create unconditional superiority over any enemies!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343360)
On Border Guard Day
On Border Guard Day, I wish all people of this profession endless and incredible happiness and tranquility. Let the enemy and adversary never cross the boundaries, and let the leadership be proud and praised. Congratulations!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343361)
Happy holiday Let all
Happy holiday! Let all boundaries be under strict control, so that in every new day we can be confident and appreciate it. I wish to serve honorably, with dignity and to always follow principles and goals.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343362)
Let the day of
Let the day of the border guard be illuminated by the sun, let it lift your spirits. I wish you to always guard your boundaries and borders with the same courage, so that they respect and are afraid of trouble when approaching them. Thank you for your work and your courage. Happy holiday!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343363)
Our native border is
Our native border is always under your close attention, you don’t have to worry about its safety. May your every day, border guards, always be calm, may the enemy never pass unnoticed, I wish you personal happiness and bright skies above your heads!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343364)
Dear border guards You
Dear border guards. You are our hope and support. Thanks to you, we feel safe. Defense and security of the borders of our Motherland is a great honor for those who guard peace and order, who vigilantly guard the peace of the country. We wish you good health and confidence in the rightness of your cause.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343365)
No matter what clouds
No matter what clouds are over the border, no matter what enemies you encounter there, you steadfastly and courageously fulfill your duty to the state. We wish you good luck, like a magnet, luck and personal happiness!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343366)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. I present my best wishes to you, the people who guard the borders of our Motherland day and night, no matter what. Always be happy, healthy and love your families!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343367)
Let me congratulate you
Let me congratulate you on Border Guard Day. I would like to wish you clarity in completing tasks, vigilance and perseverance. Be healthy and successful. May your families be happy!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343368)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day! your profession requires courage and bravery, courage and determination. I wish you to have all the necessary qualities, have wise leadership and reliable comrades. And also: may your hard, but very necessary work benefit society, and may you enjoy and receive material rewards!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343369)
Glory and honor to
Glory and honor to the border troops! We wish you the best health, unbreakable courage and fortitude. Let no enemy dare to cross the border strip, sacredly defend your post and your possessions. We wish you prosperity on Border Guard Day!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343370)
Dear border guards I
Dear border guards, I congratulate you on your holiday. Let peace and success be the key to your service. Take care of the borders of your native country, be courageous and brave. Good luck to you!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343371)
On Border Guard Day
On Border Guard Day, I wish you peaceful service, achievement of high goals, personal growth, development of all skills and abilities, happiness, love and understanding in your family.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343372)
May our borders always
May our borders always be as reliable as your principles, worldview and beliefs. May our country always be as safe as the hearts of your family and friends. May our common well-being be as large and prosperous as the endless sky and fields of our Motherland. Happy Border Guard Day!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343373)
Border guard congratulations I
Border guard, congratulations! I wish you to carry out your fast confidently, so that nothing will confuse or distract your attention. Let every border be protected. Thank you for your service, for the fact that we live in peace and confidence that tomorrow will be a wonderful day.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343374)
Thanks to you our
Thanks to you, our borders are always β€œlocked”, and we can live in peace and quiet. Happy holiday, our dear border guards! May your service be calm, the sky above your head peaceful, the sunrises quiet, and your health strong. Be calm, courageous and confident in your abilities. We are proud of you!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343375)
Dear defenders of the
Dear defenders of the borders of our Great Motherland, congratulating you on this holiday, we sincerely wish you strength, health, skill, endurance and vigilance in your service. Happiness in your personal life, medals, orders and thanks for your success in protecting borders.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343376)
Congratulations on Border Guard
Congratulations on Border Guard Day! I wish you to celebrate this day with dignity. Enjoy attention and courtesy. Be worthy defenders of borders and entrusted territories. Be proud of your calling and business. Be happy in your work and personal life!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343377)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. I wish you true pride in the brave calling of a real brave, courageous and faithful border guard, I wish you only victories, only success, only awards and only good luck. May you always be a winner both in battle and in a fight with fate itself.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343378)
A straight road to
A straight road to success, Caution at every step, Grand victories, Determination in every undertaking, Absolute confidence in yourself and your comrades, Perseverance, Fulfillment of all duties and promises, Honesty and justice, New ideas and opportunities, Sincere people in your environment, Good health , β€” congratulations on Border Guard Day!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343379)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. I wish you to always stay in line, never give up. Be a proud, brave and invincible hero, a strong, strong and successful man. With such a brave young man, may nothing threaten the borders of our Motherland, may such a good man always be lucky in everything.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343380)
On Border Guard Day
On Border Guard Day, I would like to wish you not to lose friends in time, not to lose your skill and steely self-control, never to find yourself in a difficult situation and never to betray the borders of your Motherland. May neither a spy, nor an enemy, nor a mosquito be able to fly past you, may neither the circumstances of life nor the envy of people be able to disturb your happiness.
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343381)
The strength of your
The strength of your hearts, souls and character is the strength of our borders, on the defense of which you stand, showing unprecedented courage, heroism and bravery. We wish that this courage never leaves you, that faith helps you in your responsible work, and that love gives you strength to cope with any enemy who has encroached on the security of our Motherland. Happy Border Guard Day!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343382)
May there always be
May there always be peace and grace in your heart, as well as on the border. Let your life be cloudless and clear, like today's holiday. We sincerely say thank you for your heroic work, for your service to your people. Thanks to you, our Motherland sleeps peacefully and sees rosy dreams, like your family and loved ones. Border guards wish you happiness, health and courage. Happy holiday!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343383)
Border guards are on
Border guards are on guard, guarding the peace of the country and the peaceful sleep of the people! We wish everyone on this holiday health, perseverance, good spirits, great love and joy to celebrate well with the whole country!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343384)
We owe a peaceful
We owe a peaceful life to all those who conscientiously serve, protect their native lands, and fast day and night. Let the borders always be open, calm, and most importantly, peaceful! Happy Border Guard Day!
Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 343385)
Happy Border Guard Day
Happy Border Guard Day. May gloomy clouds have no place in the sky of your life, may no enemy approach the borders of the Motherland from any side, may your courage provide proper peace to both your family and the country, may a faithful friend be nearby at the right moment and your ingenuity will work.
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Border Guard Day 2024 - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered