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Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade

Total: 7
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204280)
So you have completed
So you have completed 2nd grade, on which I congratulate you very much. I wish you to forget a little about textbooks, school uniform, run, walk and have fun from the heart.
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204279)
Your second academic year
Your second academic year has come to an end! Congratulations! There are long, long-awaited holidays ahead. I wish you a great rest so that you can return to your studies with new strength and study with excellent marks!
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204273)
2nd grade is already
2nd grade is already behind us! Time has flown by without you even noticing. I wish to continue to bravely conquer the school year, so that the grades are always the best, and all subjects are easy and interesting.
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204271)
Guys congratulations on completing
Guys, congratulations on completing 2nd grade! I would like to wish you to remain as friendly, smart, kind and cheerful. Let the road ahead not frighten you, but, on the contrary, only please and fascinate you. Good luck and more victories in the new academic year!
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204275)
Congratulations on the successful
Congratulations on the successful and long-awaited completion of 2nd grade! How you want to know everything as soon as possible, so that more and more knowledge accumulates. May there always be interesting and exciting journeys ahead into the world of knowledge to grow and develop.
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204278)
The second grade is
The second grade is behind us, but this means that more and more new opportunities for development, for new knowledge and reasons to move forward are opening up ahead. I wish that studying and all the material would be easy in the future.
Congratulations on finishing 2nd grade (id: 204276)
Guys second graders congratulations
Guys, second graders, congratulations on finishing the school year. We wish that each subsequent academic year will be just as easy, fun, interesting and educational for you. May you always be in a good mood and may everything make you happy.