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Congratulations on graduating from 6th grade

Total: 4
Congratulations on graduating from 6th grade (id: 204304)
There are already 6
There are already 6 classes left behind us, and there are still so many interesting and amazing things waiting ahead. I want to keep classes interesting and homework easy. May every day bring only victories and joy.
Congratulations on graduating from 6th grade (id: 204301)
Congratulations on completing 6th
Congratulations on completing 6th grade! All this year you tried your best, learned new things, strived for victories and made your parents happy. Let summer vacation be cool, and let 7th grade be even cooler.
Congratulations on graduating from 6th grade (id: 204299)
Guys congratulations on graduating
Guys, congratulations on graduating from 6th grade! With all my heart I wish you never to give up, to achieve your goals with ease, to be friendly, strong and active. Let your future school life be like a holiday for you and may your good mood never leave you!
Congratulations on graduating from 6th grade (id: 204303)
Our dear schoolchildren congratulations
Our dear schoolchildren, congratulations on completing 6th grade! We wish the next year to be full of bright, educational, easy, active, fun and simply interesting.