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Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband

Total: 5
Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband (id: 177729)
My beloved wife I
My beloved wife, I congratulate you on the crystal anniversary of our family life! For me, 15 years of family life means your affectionate look, charming smile and tender hugs!
Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband (id: 177727)
My beloved congratulations on
My beloved, congratulations on our common anniversary - the crystal wedding. It’s been 15 years since we’ve shared good and evil, and I want to wish you that you enjoy our life together. Remember that I love you very much!
Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband (id: 177728)
Happy crystal wedding dear
Happy crystal wedding, dear. Over these 15 years, we have become a strong married couple who can easily solve pressing problems. But, nevertheless, my feelings for you are still tender, pure and transparent, like crystal. To me, you are always flawless. And I want to wish you never to doubt your strengths, ideas and aspirations. Always remain so radiant, cheerful, gentle and stunning. And I will always try to do everything so that you have inspiration and the desire to create comfort in our family nest.
Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband (id: 177730)
Happy crystal wedding to
Happy crystal wedding to us, dear. Our marriage is 15 years old and you and I always feel young and vigorous. Thank you for the light of joy in my life. I wish that our love, transparent as crystal, remains mutual and lasting. Darling, I wish you to continue to deftly and successfully cope with any undertakings you have begun. I will always be your support and support, and you will be my inspiration and generator of wonderful ideas for our wonderful family.
Happy 15th wedding anniversary to wife from husband (id: 177731)
Happy crystal wedding dear
Happy crystal wedding, dear wife! I wish you to shine, shine, delight and inspire! Remain as economical and wise, so that I always want to return to our cozy and hospitable home!