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Ideal environment for a good sleep according to Feng Shui

Ideal environment for a good sleep according to Feng Shui logo
( 4 votes, average 4.75 out of 5 )
The environment for a good sleep should be calm and comfortable. The bedroom should not have sharp corners, mirrors in front of the bed and unnecessary items that can interfere with the free flow of energy. Position the bed so that it is visible from the door and not facing the window.
What will be in the article
  1. Video: How to locate your Bed in your bedroom using Fengshui
  2. How to choose a color for a bedroom according to Feng Shui
  3. Video: Where To Put Bed In Room With Windows?
  4. Selection of furniture and its proper placement
  5. Video: Feng Shui Do’s and Don’ts for the Bedroom | Avoid these Taboos! | Julie Khuu
  6. How not to put a bed according to Feng Shui
  7. Video: Fengshui for the Small Bedrooms:Fengshui Tips for the Bedroom
  8. Some subtleties of bedroom design
  9. Video: The principles behind where to place a bed in a room with examples
  10. Rate the author (4)
  11. Comments (2)

According to Feng Shui, the ideal environment for a good night's sleep should be calm and relaxing.

Use natural materials for bedding and avoid bright colors. Install a night light with warm light and avoid bright bulbs that can interfere with sleep.

It is also important to provide good ventilation and maintain the optimal temperature in the bedroom. If possible, avoid storing work materials and electronic devices such as computers and televisions in the bedroom so as not to disturb the harmony and tranquility in this space.

Here are a few tips that can help create a good sleep environment:

  1. Bed placement: The bed should be positioned so that the person can see the door, but not be directly in its line of sight. This will create a sense of security and protection. It is also important to avoid placing the bed under a canopy or balcony.
  2. Colors: In the bedroom, it is better to use calm and delicate colors, such as light blue, light green, beige or gray. These colors will help create a relaxing atmosphere.
  3. Lighting: In the bedroom, it is better to use soft and subdued lighting. Avoid bright lighting, which can cause insomnia.
  4. Furniture: The bedroom should have a minimum of furniture to create a sense of space and freedom. Avoid sharp corners and overly massive furniture.
  5. Plants: Place a few plants in your bedroom to help purify the air and create a pleasant atmosphere. Good choices would be lavender, aloe vera, and geranium.
  6. Hidden storage: Avoid clutter and clutter in the bedroom. It is better to use hidden storage systems that will help keep things organized and create a sense of calm.
  7. Quality mattress and pillows: Good quality mattress and pillows are very important for good sleep. Choose a mattress and pillows that suit your firmness and softness.
  8. Avoid electronics: Avoid placing a TV, computer, or other electronics in the bedroom. This will help create a calmer and more relaxing atmosphere.
How to put a bed in the bedroom
How to arrange a bed in a bedroom

Following these tips, you can create the perfect environment for a good night's sleep.

Video: How to locate your Bed in your bedroom using Fengshui

How to choose a color for a bedroom according to Feng Shui

In order to choose a color for a bedroom according to the teachings of Feng Shui, and in order not to forget about how to design a love zone, you need to consider several factors.

  • First, you should choose colors that create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. These colors include soft and delicate shades, such as white, cream, light blue, light green or gray.
  • Secondly, the colors should be combined with the rest of the bedroom interior. For example, if the walls in the bedroom are neutral, then you can add bright accents with pillows, blankets or curtains.
  • Thirdly, the colors should correspond to the personal preferences and character of the person. If you prefer bright colors, then you can choose more saturated shades, but it is best to leave bright colors for accents and decorative elements.
Rules for a harmonious bedroom
Rules for a Harmonious Bedroom

Some colors, such as red or orange, may be too active for the bedroom and may interfere with sleep. It is best to choose colors that create a calm atmosphere and help to relax.

Finally, you should consider your personal energy, as each person is unique. If you feel that a certain color does not suit you, it is better to choose a different color that will create a more comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom.

These tips will help you choose the color for your bedroom.

Video: Where To Put Bed In Room With Windows?

Selection of furniture and its proper placement

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom should promote relaxation and good sleep, and do not forget about how to attract wealth and money to the house. Here are some tips to help you arrange the furniture in the bedroom according to the teachings of Feng Shui:

  1. Place the bed in a position where you can see the door, but don't point the bed directly at the door. This will help create a sense of security and increase your energy.
  2. Don't place your bed under a window as this can lead to loss of energy and reduced quality of sleep.
  3. Avoid sharp corners and angular shapes in furniture as they can create negative energy and lead to insomnia.
  4. Place bedside tables on either side of the bed to balance the energy in the room.
  5. Avoid placing mirrors in front of the bed as they can reflect energy and lead to restless sleep.
  6. Use furniture made from natural materials such as wood, bamboo or cotton. These materials help create a natural flow of energy and promote relaxation.
  7. Place plants in your bedroom to create a natural flow of oxygen and help cleanse the air of toxins.
  8. Avoid clutter and overcrowding in the bedroom. Try to keep things in order and store them in closed drawers or cabinets.
  9. Avoid placing a TV, computer or other electronic devices in the bedroom. These devices can interfere with sleep and create negative energy.
  10. Use pleasant and soothing colors for the walls, furniture and decor in the bedroom. Colors such as light blue, light green, white, cream and gray can help create a calm and relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom.
Feng Shui Bedroom Design
Feng Shui Bedroom Design

These tips will help you arrange your bedroom furniture and create a comfortable and relaxing place to sleep.

Video: Feng Shui Do’s and Don’ts for the Bedroom | Avoid these Taboos! | Julie Khuu

How not to put a bed according to Feng Shui

There are several rules to follow in order not to violate the principles of Feng Shui when arranging the bed in the bedroom:

  1. Do not place the bed on the line between the door and the window. This is considered a "loss of energy" and can lead to fatigue and restlessness.
  2. Don't put your bed in front of a mirror. This can create negative energy and also reflect the energy that needs to be stored inside the room.
  3. Don't place the bed under a canopy or canopy unless you have enough space. This can create a feeling of oppression and limitation.
  4. Don't put the bed too close to the door. This can create feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
  5. Do not place a bed in line with a toilet or bathroom. This can lead to negative energy and health problems.
  6. Do not place the bed in line with electrical appliances or wires. This can create negative energy and lead to health and sleep problems.
  7. Do not place the bed under sloped ceilings or beams. This can create a feeling of pressure and limitation.
How to put a bed in the bedroom
How to arrange a bed in a bedroom

These rules will help create a harmonious and cozy space in the bedroom, which contributes to good sleep and overall well-being. However, it is important to remember that every home and every person is unique, so it is important to take into account your individual needs and preferences when applying feng shui principles.

Video: Fengshui for the Small Bedrooms:Fengshui Tips for the Bedroom

Some subtleties of bedroom design

A few tips for decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui.

Here are some of them:

  1. Bed position. Position the bed so that it can be seen from the door, but not directly in front of the door. This will create a sense of security and confidence. Avoid positioning the bed under sloping ceilings, beams, or other obstructions.
  2. Colors. Choose soft and soothing colors such as white, cream, light blue, light green or gray. Avoid bright and saturated colors that can make you feel anxious.
  3. Furniture. Avoid angular furniture and objects with sharp corners. Choose furniture made from natural materials such as wood, bamboo or rattan. Arrange furniture in such a way that it does not clutter up the space.
  4. Plants. Plants improve air quality and create a pleasant atmosphere in a room. Place them along walls or on windows.
  5. Storage. Avoid clutter in the bedroom. Use hidden storage systems to keep the room clean and tidy.
  6. Electronics Avoid using electronics in the bedroom. It is better to remove all gadgets and appliances from the room to create a cozy and calm atmosphere.
Bedroom Design
Bedroom Design

I hope you find these tips helpful!

Video: The principles behind where to place a bed in a room with examples

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Hi all! In this blog we post useful information on the topic how to arrange a bed and bedroom according to Feng Shui. If you have questions or ideas that we did not cover in our article, write about it in the comments.
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Comments (2)

- May 15, 2023 15:23:28
The main thing is that you like what kind of bedroom you have, and not how someone somewhere thinks what is right and what is wrong)
- May 14, 2023 14:37:03
According to Feng Shui, the bed in the bedroom should be positioned so that the person can see the door, but not be in front of it, as this creates negative energy and can lead to insomnia. It is also important not to place the bed under a ceiling balcony or in line with the bathroom door, as this causes an energy imbalance. Also, the bed should not be directed directly at a mirror, TV, or computer, as they can create negative energy. The best option is to place the bed against a wall, with side access and equal access for both partners who sleep on the bed. Then the energy in the bedroom will be positive and calm, which will ensure good sleep.
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