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Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS

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Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66801)
Congratulations to the baby
Congratulations to the baby on her 7th month of life! I sincerely wish you fun and exciting development, good knowledge of the world and life, warm rays of the sun outside the window and a joyful atmosphere in the house, parental love and sincere care of relatives.
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66794)
What a wonderful event:
What a wonderful event: the baby is 7 months old, which is a lucky number! He can no longer sit still, and his hands reach out to all objects, so he wants to explore the world and please mom and dad with his successes. I congratulate you on this date and want to wish you less difficulties and hassle, more fun and happy smiles. And let every day give 7 good and ringing notes for your “wonder of the world”!
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66802)
This little wonderful creation
This little wonderful creation is 7 months old today! By your existence you are making the world a better place. your smile is the greatest gift for mom and dad. Gain strength, health, energy and positivity. You are a much loved child. Get enough sleep, eat well and be happy often! The world will soon become even more interesting!
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66829)
Happy holiday baby For
Happy holiday, baby! For you, 7 months is your whole life, but there are still so many adventures and joys waiting for you. May your days be filled with smiles and love, and may your family always be there, giving warmth and care.
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66812)
At seven months old
At seven months old, I would like to wish my baby to greet the new day with a smile and enjoy life, make interesting discoveries and explore the world around him with pleasure. Let the child be healthy, cheerful, happy, kind, sweet, active, brave and energetic.
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66797)
Congratulations to the baby
Congratulations to the baby on her 7th month! People say: 7 is a lucky number, so let Manyuni’s whole life be full of happiness, let each of the seven days of the week be fun, interesting, enthusiastic, funny, beautiful and good.
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66820)
7 months is a
7 months is a wonderful age, the time of the first words and first smiles, the first conscious movements and desires! Grow up, baby, happy and loved, open to the world and people! Let everyone rejoice at your success! May the world be kind and generous towards you!
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66791)
Time flies so quickly
Time flies so quickly, today you are seven months old! Thank you for making my life brighter, beloved sunshine! I wish that your health is strong, that every day gives you new discoveries and skills, because there is so much more for you to learn ahead! Just grow up a happy child, and I will do everything possible for this!
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66811)
Seven months ago you
Seven months ago, you experienced dramatic changes - a small miracle appeared in your family. Like a beautiful flower, a child grows and develops, delighting with new successes every day. Let this idyll last as long as possible.
Congratulations on 7 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66814)
Happy seventh birthday to
Happy seventh birthday to your beautiful, sweet baby. We wish that the big world opens up everything and reveals its secrets to you, giving you a lot of new and interesting things. We wish you to develop to the fullest, get healthier day by day, and become a strong and strong person. Let all your discoveries in this world be only happy ones and bring you laughter and joy. Happy birthday, our baby!