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Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS

Total: 7
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67080)
It's already 11 months
It's already 11 months since your birthday! You are adorable, loved and the most wonderful child. Your laughter is like a ringing bell, your gaze is like a ray of sunshine! Soon you will be running and enjoying new sensations and knowledge. I wish you health, smiles, kindness and all the best!
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67075)
I sincerely congratulate the
I sincerely congratulate the baby on 11 months of life! A little more and it will be a year. In the meantime, I wish you to laugh and smile more often, not be capricious or cry at all, and meet every day in a good mood and feeling great. May mom and dad not be bored with such a charming, mischievous child.
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67084)
Congratulations on your 11th
Congratulations on your 11th month of life. I wish that my beloved child is not afraid to explore this world, that his beloved feet confidently and proudly walk along the road of happiness. Be a strong and friendly family, raise a healthy and wonderful child!
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67094)
You are almost a
You are almost a year old, 11 months is a huge first step that leads to happiness and a long happy life. Grow and be proud of your victories and achievements, everything you have!
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67104)
At 11 months old
At 11 months old, I wish your little one fun and happiness on every new day. Let the alleys be exciting, let the games be interesting, let the fairy tales and cartoons be kind, let the porridge and sweets be delicious, let the laughter and sincere joy be loud.
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67079)
Congratulations on 11 months
Congratulations on 11 months of life, baby! Let your steps become more confident, let mom and dad rejoice at the first little words, let your life, my dear child, become brighter, more interesting, wonderful and fun every day. I wish you good health, great happiness, I wish you to laugh more often and infect everyone around you with joy.
Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 67086)
Congratulations to a sweet
Congratulations to a sweet miracle, a charming child, on her 11th month of life. I wish you good health and a wonderful mood, sweet dreams and active walks, fun games and educational activities, happiness in your family and joy in your home.

Congratulations on 11 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS, which will be remembered