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Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS

Total: 26
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66572)
Half a year has
Half a year has flown by in an instant, and your baby has grown up so quickly. I wish you only goodness and light, so that your little one will happily explore this world. He quickly got to his feet and rushed forward, towards miracles. May he be healthy and endlessly loved, warmed not only by sunlight, but also by the warmth of the souls of people close to him.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66588)
Half a year is
Half a year is a very important date! You already know and can do so much, and how much you still have to learn! Grow, develop and bring only joy to the whole family! My darling, I love you more than life itself!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66691)
You have been delighting
You have been delighting the world with your smile and your charming look for 6 months now. May you only become happier over the years, so that grief never prevents you from developing and moving towards your goal. Happy holiday!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66706)
Baby today you have
Baby, today you have become a little older and more independent; 6 months is a wonderful period of active exploration of the world. Grow, smile, make your loved ones happy, don’t get sick.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66665)
It's been 6 months
It's been 6 months since you were born. This is a big date for you, your whole life. Grow up healthy, baby, please your parents, be honest and obedient, and let all the troubles that you encounter along your long path strengthen your character and give strength and confidence!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66654)
Happy holiday May you
Happy holiday! May you grow up with good health, and may luck be your true friend. Never doubt yourself, because you can do anything, it’s not for nothing that you were chosen somewhere in heaven.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66620)
Today the baby is
Today the baby is already six months old, congratulations, Manyunya. I wish you educational and colorful walks, restful sleep and a fun holiday, exciting leisure time, strong parental love and support, prosperity on your path and great happiness.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66555)
Six months is a
Six months is a significant date, honey! You are already trying to crawl and are spinning so funny! Your every move, “aha” or radiant smile is incredible happiness! Grow and develop, gain strength, don’t get sick and explore this world! All the best to you, little big treasure!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66579)
Our wonderful baby for
Our wonderful baby, for 6 months now you have been discovering the world and taking your first steps on the path of knowledge. Six months flew by, filling our lives with joy and light. We wish you good appetite, joyful discoveries and sound sleep!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66580)
Happy half year baby
Happy half year, baby! Grow, gain strength, be healthy and happy. Let your parents protect you and take care of you, quickly get back on your feet and start exploring the world! Delight mom and dad with your mischievous laughter and sincere childish smile.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66548)
Little sunshine mother’s little
Little sunshine, mother’s little angel, sweetie, is celebrating six months today. 6 months is still so short. The most interesting things are ahead—the first tooth, the first step, the first word. Let our little miracle grow, to the joy of all our family, as a happy, beautiful, healthy and smart child!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66550)
You are already six
You are already six months old. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you to crawl and stand up boldly, find all the most interesting things everywhere, play frolic and never cry, enjoy every day with mom and dad, smile, laugh and grow, grow, grow as a healthy happy child.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66553)
Our dear baby 6
Our dear baby, 6 months have passed since your wonderful appearance in our lives. Every month we are together is a small miracle. Thank you for being in our lives. Please us with a radiant smile, ringing laughter and the stomping of your beloved feet. We are ready to fulfill all your desires and lead you by your precious hand through life. Health to you, our sweet child!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66557)
We wish your baby
We wish your baby never to get sick, to grow up as a strong and healthy child, to smile and not to cry at all! Today your little angel is already six months old, time goes by so quickly that you won’t have time to look back before he walks, runs or reads. Let your child touch you with his first steps and first successes, let him feel your care and love! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66559)
This little cheerful miracle
This little cheerful miracle is already half a year old! Let your child explore this interesting world every day, learn something new, grow and gain strength! I wish your child to grow up happy and healthy, because this is the most important thing in life!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66561)
Today my baby you
Today, my baby, you are six months old! You are my ray of light that makes my life brighter and more colorful! Darling, I wish that your skills and abilities increase every day, and that your smile shines as often as possible! I wish you good health, good appetite and active growth!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66567)
Baby you're 6 months
Baby, you're 6 months old, yay! We are happy to be your parents! We enjoy tiny hands, the most beautiful smile in the world and your babbling! We wish you to grow and be happy, to be a healthy and glorious baby!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66569)
You are half a
You are half a year old, dear treasure! Grow and develop, becoming stronger, smarter and more curious every day! Make all your relatives happy with your successes and childish sincerity! And may your health be strong, bright sunshine!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66575)
The baby is six
The baby is six months old, and this is an event. Congratulations to you and your child. I wish the whole friendly family to laugh more often. I wish you not to know sorrows and grievances. I wish that in the bustle of everyday affairs there is always enough time and energy for strong hugs, sweet kisses, gentle touches, and amazing moments. Let the baby grow up in parental love and constant care. I wish your family happiness, and your child health and delicious sweet porridge.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66576)
Six months ago another
Six months ago, another beautiful baby was born, bringing joy to the hearts of his parents. Happy birthday to the little miracle! May his every day be filled with sincere childhood happiness, and may the baby himself grow up healthy and inquisitive!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66596)
Congratulations to our wonderful
Congratulations to our wonderful little one! May he always be healthy, not be afraid of doctors, actively explore the world and grow up to be a very gifted and sweet child. We wish that fate will measure out a huge bag of happiness for him, give him a ton of success and endow him with exceptional talents.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66602)
Six months is so
Six months is so little, but for a baby it is truly a lot! After all, during this time he learned so many amazing things and learned a lot! Let the sweet little angel continue to grow up healthy, explore our beautiful world and constantly make his parents happy! I wish only the best for the little miracle!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66605)
Now six months have
Now six months have flown by, your baby has grown up and even sat down. Let our dear ones grow up, strong, healthy and brave. And may only goodness, miracles and success await you ahead. We wish you a good appetite and always have a lot of energy to learn new things and get to know this life from different sides. Happy birthday, our sweetie!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66610)
The wonderful baby is
The wonderful baby is six months old today. I sincerely congratulate Manyunya and wish him great interest in life and knowledge of the world, tender care and kind songs, loving loved ones and lovely passers-by, a wonderful mood and wonderful weather for wonderful walks.
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66727)
Sunny happy holiday I
Sunny, happy holiday! I wish you to smile more often, never be upset, grow up carefree, honest, kind, cheerful! May there be a peaceful sky above your head, may your wishes come true and may you meet nice people along the way. All the best to you!
Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS (id: 66728)
Here you are already
Here you are already six months! Grow by leaps and bounds, to the delight of your parents and those around you. Explore the world with eyes wide open, beaming with curiosity. Gain strength, because there are still many discoveries ahead. Be a healthy, active, inquisitive child, open to pleasant experiences in life!

Congratulations on 6 months to a girl, boy, parents - poems, prose, SMS, which will be remembered