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Congratulations on Builder's Day to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS

Total: 2
Congratulations on Builder's Day to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 364901)
Happy Builder's Day friend
Happy Builder's Day, friend. Let neither heat nor blizzard interfere with important work. Plan, build, create and achieve significant success. I know for sure that you can handle everything. Therefore, I wish you respect and glory, prosperity and inspiration, love and happiness, health and beauty.
Congratulations on Builder's Day to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 364903)
Friend on this holiday
Friend, on this holiday let a house be built in your life where all the walls will be made of happiness, and the windows will be made of luck and smiles. I wish you to always create harmony and comfort around you. Happy Builder's Day!

Congratulations on Builder's Day to a friend - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered