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Congratulations on February 23 to your sons - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 308210)
My beloved men dear
My beloved men, dear sons, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish that each of you has a long and happy journey in life, and that on this path you meet only good people, that you are always able to overcome any obstacles and achieve worthy, honest victories. You are wonderful sons, brave men, and I wish you health, love, success and prosperity.
Congratulations on February 23 to your sons - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 308214)
Happy February 23 my
Happy February 23, my dear sons, my heroes and defenders. I love you very much and I want to wish you, my family, health, peace, prosperity, love and the courage of your kind hearts. Sons, I wish you a long and happy path through life, I wish you never experience fatigue and fear, I wish you always achieve your goal!
Congratulations on February 23 to your sons - poetry, prose, SMS (id: 308249)
My dear sons from
My dear sons, from February 23, you can wish for a whole lot, but I am your mother and I don’t want so much - be healthy, happy with your family life, surrounded by love and care, peace to you and long carefree years of life, I love you!

Congratulations on February 23 to your sons - poetry, prose, SMS, which will be remembered