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sample 330x60

Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

04 June 2023 — date (when, what date is the holiday)

Total: 6
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346422)
Loads are up loads
Loads are up, loads are down, and the course in life is only forward! Congratulations on Crane Operator’s Day and I sincerely wish you strong strength, good health, strong working equipment, strong hands in business! Let your work be easy and fun, let your life be a series of happy events. I wish you to always be on top and achieve your desired heights!
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346423)
Happy Crane Operator Day
Happy Crane Operator Day. I wish you to deftly lift and lower any loads, I wish you to confidently climb the steps of life. Let there be no accidents or interference at work, let there be no boring and stupid people around, let there be enough brilliant and simple ideas for happiness. I wish you health and strength, good luck and impeccable skill!
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346424)
Happy Crane Operator Day
Happy Crane Operator Day! I wish you to be the coolest and most responsible, the most attentive and dexterous, the most successful and fun crane operator. May all the levers obey you, may all the people around you respect you, may all the days of your life make you happy! I wish you health and patience, impeccable talent and constant zeal for your dreams. And may your level of luck rise high with every load!
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346425)
Congratulations to the cold-blooded
Congratulations to the cold-blooded and brave crane operator on his professional holiday! We wish you to reach unknown heights, to be brave and responsible, careful and fearless, and also calm and balanced!
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346426)
Happy Crane Operator Day
Happy Crane Operator Day. I wish you to feel like a king on the throne behind the control of the crane, I wish you to boldly, actively and deftly carry out all the assigned tasks at work! I wish you safe activities and always with success, I wish you a non-boring life and always with good luck!
Crane Operator Day - holiday date, history, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS (id: 346427)
Happy Crane Operator Day
Happy Crane Operator Day! May there always be clear and coordinated actions in such complex work. I wish you not to get tired, and let your family and loved ones always wait at home. Thank you for your work and will, thank you for your work!