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17th wedding anniversary greetings to wife from husband

Total: 4
17th wedding anniversary greetings to wife from husband (id: 177962)
Happy pink wedding my
Happy pink wedding, my dear wife. Let everything in our life not seem, but actually be rosy, may you and I be able to achieve all our important goals. I love you just as much, just as tightly, and I want you to always feel like a 17-year-old girl in love next to me.
17th wedding anniversary greetings to wife from husband (id: 177960)
Darling always be magnificent
Darling, always be magnificent, happy and loved by me, and I will always look after and take care of my lovely rose, dear and wonderful wife. Happy pink wedding to us, my joy, happy 17th anniversary of marriage. I wish us prosperity, true happiness and true love!
17th wedding anniversary greetings to wife from husband (id: 177961)
My dear dear I
My dear, dear, I congratulate you on your pink wedding. Our marriage is 17 years old today, you and I are young again and in love. I wish you, my dear, to always remain a beautiful and blooming rose, and I will make sure that not a single petal falls from this rose. May our love live forever and may our happiness be endless.
17th wedding anniversary greetings to wife from husband (id: 177963)
My dear I congratulate
My dear, I congratulate us on our pink wedding, we are 17 years old today. I wish you to always remain the most beautiful and amazing, extraordinary and delightful, like a fragrant rose, I wish you to see our future in pink, I wish that all our hopes will certainly come true, that all our dreams will certainly come true. I love you, my angel, may everything in our family go well and develop in the best possible way.